Acrylic painting loosely depicting my tattoos, the symbolism and messages with inspiration to work hard, stay true and take care of the Temple you live in. Sold- prints available.
Acrylic painting of a Goddess with a leopard and trishula symbol. Essence, alchemy, effort, wisdom, truth...all the things needed to practice living in love & working to be our true self. Sold
Limited edition print of an original painting for Adore Your Walls
Just be nice. When you are not nice to others it can be a reflection of how you treat yourself. When you treat others well it does more for you then it does for them. It gets you on the path of sweet, positive payback. Kick your inner ass that tells you to react negatively... be nice. Sold
Acrylic paint and chalk on panel.
Keep a shelf of powerful reminders and symbols to keep you on your path- steady, strong & grateful. Sold
Acrylic paint on antique paper- Grandma's schoolwork.
Acrylic on wood panel.
Humility has more power & freedom then ego. Do not try to be more than or less then you are- be here now. You are already amazing.
acrylic and tombstone rubbings with pressed thistle leaves, found frame
Acrylic painting loosely depicting my tattoos, the symbolism and messages with inspiration to work hard, stay true and take care of the Temple you live in. Sold- prints available.
Acrylic painting of a Goddess with a leopard and trishula symbol. Essence, alchemy, effort, wisdom, truth...all the things needed to practice living in love & working to be our true self. Sold
Limited edition print of an original painting for Adore Your Walls
Just be nice. When you are not nice to others it can be a reflection of how you treat yourself. When you treat others well it does more for you then it does for them. It gets you on the path of sweet, positive payback. Kick your inner ass that tells you to react negatively... be nice. Sold
Acrylic paint and chalk on panel.
Keep a shelf of powerful reminders and symbols to keep you on your path- steady, strong & grateful. Sold
Acrylic paint on antique paper- Grandma's schoolwork.
Acrylic on wood panel.
Humility has more power & freedom then ego. Do not try to be more than or less then you are- be here now. You are already amazing.
acrylic and tombstone rubbings with pressed thistle leaves, found frame